At. Gut No.23 & 25, Sulibhanjan, Tq. Khultabad, Dist.Chatrapati Sambhajinagar - 431101 Phone No. (02437)299088.
College Code No.0462, NCTE Code No.123140, E-Mail –

NAAC Accredited “B” Grade
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Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

  • To experience a healthy and friendly teaching-learning environment.
  • To enjoy doing practical’s with standard computer laboratory setup.
  •  To enjoy learning through video lectures from IIT teachers
  • To remain in touch with the world with weekly compulsory high-speed internet access.
  • To build confidence and proficiency in English communication and soft skills.
  • To get knowledge of PC maintenance and software installations through PC hardware and Networking course.
  • To get confidence in the subject by delivering their own seminars.
  • To get the practice of competitive exams through a monthly aptitude test program.
  • To get placed in reputed companies/organizations through campus placements.
  • To become a proud ex-student (Alumni) of the dept. of College.

Eligibility Criteria


The Degree of Bachelor of Education shall be conferred on a candidate, who has

Satisfied the following conditions:-

(a)   He must have passed three years Bachelor’s Degree Examination in Arts, Science, Commerce or Agriculture of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University or of any other University recognized by this University as Equivalent thereto, with not less than 50% marks & in the case of reserved Category 45% marks.(relaxation for in-service teachers as per government .rules prescribed for time to time)

(b)    He must have pursued a regular course of study prescribed for not less than one academic year and must have passed the Bachelor’s Degree Examination in Education.

     c)   He must have, after passing the examination pursued a regular course of study for not less than one academic year or the vacation course of two years commencing from may every alternative year as prescribed. A regular course of study means a course wherein the attendance is not Less than 75% of each paper of the course in both terms. A course means the course in which minimum 200 days as per NCTE norms are devoted for imparting instructions, and other activities as provided in the rules framed in that behalf. In special cases. The Vice-Chancellor may, on the Recommendation of the Principal condone the deficiency in attendance not Exceeding 10% on account of medical ground. Supported by the report of an authorized Medical officer approved by the Principal of the College. A candidate who has passed the B.Ed. examination of this University in any class /division may be allowed to appear at the said examination again with the same medium with present prescribed syllabus to improve his qualification, provided that he/she appears at the said examination with practical (two final lessons and viva-voce) in one attempt with all the papers and practical prescribed for the course, on the basis of which the result is declared. Only two chances will be given for improvement of qualification. The course of study shall consist of lectures, selected readings, discussion, conference and practice in teaching of classes and other practical work as laid down here in-after.The External examination shall consist of two parts:-

Part – I Theory

Part –II Practical

A candidate who has completed all the requirements of the course but has failed in Part-I or Part-II or in both has to appear for the examination in the same without putting in further attendance or practical work [Internal]..
If the candidate is found not eligible in any stage of admission, his/ her candidature will cancelled.



Name Fees
University Total Fees
Tuition Fees (yearly) B.ED
Admission Fees
Other Fees


History of the Institution: Our organization running primary school, degree Arts and Science college at Aurangabad since from 2000 & 2013 respectably B.ED.Degree Courses at   Khultabad Dist. Aurangabad .

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